The course will consist of lecture via zoom, individual self-study, and small group work. Students will be expected to solve complex problems outside of regular class time. Students who cannot attend the lecture live may view the recorded lesson after the fact inside myGCC.
There will be a total of three (3) tests to be taken inside myGCC this semester. Each test must be taken during a specified "testing window", spanning 3 to 5 days. This testing window will be announced multiple times during class and will be posted prominently inside myGCC.
There will be between 4-6 projects and multiple short homework assignments this semester. Due dates will be announced during class and posted in multiple locations to myGCC. Assignments must be turned in on or before the due date to receive full credit. All times are assumed to be Eastern Standard Time.
An electronic copy of each project will be submitted to the csnlinux server, and a pdf of the source code will be delivered to the instructor before the deadline. If either of these conditions is not satisfied, the project will be considered late. Additionally, if a project is submitted unfinished or with major defects, the instructor may refuse to accept the assignment. In this case, the instructor will email the student at his/her email address with a statement to this effect. The student will have an opportunity at this point to resubmit the project in accordance with the late policy described below.
Late policy: Projects must be submitted on time or will be assessed a penalty of 10% if submitted within a week of the due date, 20% if submitted between 8-14 days late, 50% if submitted later than 2 weeks.
Homeworks: There will be many short homework assignments that must be completed throughout the semester. Generally speaking, these will be graded on a scale of 0-10. Typically a functioning solution submitted on time will receive a 9 (very good) or 10 (perfect). If the assignment is submitted up to a week late, the highest score will be 7. If the assignment is submitted between 1 and 2 weeks late, the high score will be 5. After two weeks, the grade will be zero.
Final grades are assigned according to the following scheme, with the final average rounded to the nearest integer (in %):
92 or higher = A, 90-91 = A-, 88-89 = B+, 82-87 = B, 80-81 = B-, 78-79 = C+, 72-77 = C, 70-71 = C-, 68-69 = D+, 62-67 = D, 60-61 = D-, 59 or less = F.
Grades will be weighted as follows:
No make-up tests or exams will be given unless you have an unavoidable reason for missing the test AND you notify your instructor in advance (either in person for face-to-face sections, or by sending email).
Tests, tentative schedule: Week of Feb 22, Week of Mar 29, Week of May 3 or May 10 (TBD). Exact dates and times will be determined collectively during class time and posted to myGCC. Tests will be taken online inside blackboard.
Cheating is obtaining or intentionally giving unauthorized information to create an unfair advantage in an examination, assignment, or classroom situation. Plagiarism is the act of presenting and claiming words, ideas, data, programming code or creations of others as one’s own. Plagiarism may be intentional – as in a false claim of authorship – or unintentional - as in a failure to document information sources using MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago or other style sheets or manuals adopted by Faculty at the College. Presenting ideas in the exact or near exact wording as found in source material constitutes plagiarism, as does patching together paraphrased statements without in-text citation. The purchasing or sharing of papers or projects between students or the re-use of papers or projects submitted for more than one assignment or class also constitutes plagiarism.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any form of academic dishonesty is considered cheating. This includes copying and pasting code from the internet and presenting it as your own. If you are caught cheating, a grade of zero will be given on that assignment or exam. In certain extreme cases, which includes multiple offenses, the student will receive a grade of F for the semester.
The instructor reserves the right to make any reasonable and necessary modifications to the statements above. This document is subject to change.